Evernote gtd 2021
Evernote gtd 2021

evernote gtd 2021

It has sold millions of copies in dozens of countries around the world and stands on its own as a practical guide to the art of stress-free productivity.

evernote gtd 2021

Welcome to the era of information abundance, which has created in many of us a scarcity of attention.ĭavid Allen’s best-selling book Getting Things Done* (known affectionately by fans as GTD) proposes a simple 5-step approach to managing the complexity of modern work. And through it all, there’s a tickle at the back of your mind that there may be an even more important priority lurking somewhere, but you can’t remember what it is. You have a strategic plan that’s been almost finished for weeks, but you’ve been waiting for a board member’s input. You’re starting to get texts from the attendees because you’re late sending out the logistics. You have an emergency meeting at 5:00, which kills your plan to finalize the agenda for tomorrow’s offsite. You really should get back to Tom on… what was it again? Now the phone is ringing-it’s your kid’s teacher, informing you that your daughter’s grades are low and she needs some extra attention. You’re busy getting things done, but the notification count on your email inbox is climbing by the minute.

evernote gtd 2021

on Wednesday afternoon, and you have one question on your mind: what should I be doing right now? Visit our template gallery to browse pre-made templates you can add to your Evernote account. There’s a new way to find, manage, and use note templates in Evernote.

Evernote gtd 2021